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Call for Proposals

JCS vol. II/2, May 2023

Journal Editor: Keith Stanglin, Center for Christian Studies

Guest Editor: Ben Peterson, Abilene Christian University



Christians in the Post-Christian Polis: The Kingdom of God and Earthly Politics


Christians are divided over political and social issues. How should we think about politics in a post-

Constantinian, post-Reformation, and post-Christian world? What theologically-sound, pastorally

sensitive, politically savvy strategies can help us navigate this challenging environment? Prominent

thinkers, both Protestant and Catholic, advance “postliberal” theories aiming to align our politics

with Christian truth, abandoning liberal neutrality about the good. Others emphasize the need to

build Christian communities who can withstand social pressures or persecution, preparing Christians

for faithful witness even to the point of martyrdom. This issue of The Journal of Christian Studies,

a journal dedicated to scholarship for the church, will address the question of Christians and politics

in the post-Christian polis.


We invite proposals to address perennial theoretical questions: What is the relationship

between church, state, and society? How engaged should we be in earthly politics? Given our

membership in the Kingdom of God, should Christians participate at all? If politics is the art of the

possible, how much pragmatism should we endorse? What biblical teachings and resources in the

Christian tradition should inform our politics? To what extent should Christians advocate for

Christian principles in law and policy? How should ministers address political issues?


Authors might address particular issues confronting Christians in the post-Christian West

and beyond: How should we assess the political activism of the Christian right? What are the

priorities for Christian political activity going forward? What should Christians make of the US role

on the world stage, and the transnational role of the church? How can we promote love for our

neighbors, near and far, in the context of contemporary politics?


Note, this is not an exhaustive list but meant to indicate the sort of inquiry the journal

invites. The journal especially, but not exclusively, seeks proposals from scholars and writers

associated with the Churches of Christ. We welcome proposals from Christians of any denomination

or political orientation.


Essays should be between 3,000 and 6,000 words.

To submit a proposal, please send a title and abstract (max 150 words) to Ben Peterson

( by August 29, 2022.

Selections will be made by August 31, 2022. Selections will be based on the editors’ evaluation of

relevance, interest for the readership, and quality of the proposals.

Initial drafts will be due January 15, 2023.

Please contact Ben Peterson with further questions.

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