The Center for Christian Studies announces the establishment of the Bill and Becky Stewart Fellowship. In their life’s work, Dr. William Stewart and Becky Blake Stewart were dedicated to ensuring and offering quality education, with Bill’s longtime work with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating board and adjunct teaching for Austin Graduate School of Theology, and Becky’s decades of service as a teacher, 38 of her 44 years of teaching at Brentwood Christian School in Austin. After Bill’s death in 2003, Becky continued her teaching ministry with Brentwood Christian, retiring in 2016. Continuing her lifelong service to the church, Becky also serves as a founding Board member and treasurer of the Center for Christian Studies.
For the term of this endowed Fellowship, the Stewart Fellow, named in honor of these servants of God, will be appointed to produce a substantive, timely work of scholarship for the church. Specifically, the Stewart Fellow will research and write on the theme of “Hope for Small Churches,” a cause that is central to the vision of the Center for Christian Studies. With this work, we hope to help small churches more effectively fulfill their mission and calling. The large majority of Christian congregations are indeed “small churches,” and they are the ones who benefit most from the resources of CCS.

In order to fund the part-time work of the Stewart Fellow, our goal is to raise $50,000. Through the end of February, the CCS Board has pledged to match up to $25,000 of donations, which would bring us to our goal and enable us to commission this work for the sake of the church. So, between now and the end of February, double the effect of your gift by donating to the Stewart Fellowship, in order to honor Bill and Becky Stewart and to help us help small churches.
Help fund the Bill and Becky Stewart Fellowship by giving to the Center for Christian Studies. Send a check, or give online at www.christian-studies.org, and click the “Give” button, or text “CCS” to 888-444-8774. Include “Stewart Fellow” in the memo line.
Fellows of the Center for Christian Studies are experts in their respective academic fields but also teachers and writers in their congregational contexts, for the sake of the church.
Give to the Bill and Becky Stewart Fellowship fund.